Posts Tagged ‘Office


My Office

Just a quick post today to show everyone where it all gets done. Well, the administrative part of my work, anyway; it’s in a dark and dingy bar, where everybody working with photos on a laptop should be. In a dark and dingy bar that’s not open for business, that is.

Now, why the hell would anybody want to sit in a bar to develop photos and compose articles rather than be at home or in a real office somewhere? I’ll tell you why.

The bar business is pretty slow during these tough financial times. So are the photography and writing and magazines-paying-big-bucks businesses.

Peace and quiet are what I need when I do this stuff. At home, you’re taking a big chance, expecting peace and quiet when any one of 7 Grandkids may show up. And they may even show up with their friends from school or a whole baseball team, at any time, unannounced. They could bring avian flu, swine flu, stray puppies or cats along with them. You just never know.

So, rather than pay rent for an office somewhere and throw more good money after bad, just to have someplace where I can’t be interrupted, I lock myself up in the bar. It’s dead quiet. Has 12 inch thick brick and mortar walls; can’t hear a sound.

And when those idiots inside my computers forget my passwords and tell me “Only Michael Lynch or Ryukyu Mike has Access”, I can scream back at the top of my lungs, “I am Mike Lynch” and nobody but Bill Gates, Mr Hotmail or Mr Google Account, Yahoo or WordPress can hear me.

That’s why my office is in a bar. To be continued…..

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